Does Hands-Free Technology Make Driving Safer?
In the United States, over 35,000 people died in motor vehicle accidents in 2015 alone. Currently, cell phone distractions are causing...
Wet Weather Car Accidents
It should go without saying that wet weather driving can be dangerous. A recent analysis of available federal data shows that rain is...
Dangerous Roadways
Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. Studies have shown that as many as 3 in 10 accidents happen within one mile of a person’s home. ...
Alabama Guest Statute
Under Alabama law, an individual who operates a vehicle is not liable for injuries or damages sustained by a non-paying passenger within...
Wrongful Death in Alabama
Lawsuits involving the death of a person in Alabama are generally governed by the Alabama Wrongful Death Statute. Alabama handles...
$40 Million Verdict Upheld Against Chrysler for Deadly Jeep Gas Tank
With the holidays approaching, more people are on the roads and more accidents are going to happen. A stark reminder of what happens with...
Serious Auto Accidents
When a loved one is in an automobile accident that results in a serious injury or even death, it is not uncommon for a family to hire a...